Henry’s Story

Tracey Walker | 23rd Aug

Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs.

Let me share a story about Henry. Henry had become so used to being on his own, not interacting with people. It became comfortable!

When his circumstances changed which forced him to be out in the world, he didn’t cope with this very well. 

Henry’s doctor had him on anti-depression tablets and painkillers. Henry felt he was unable to survive without them. These are the things we tell ourselves. Not knowing any difference, that is how Henry survived for years. 

We all have things happen to us that create us to find a safe place away from the world. It may be isolating at home and going to great lengths to avoid people, places, and things. Maybe going on medication to dull the pain. This is survival. 

In Henry’s case, he came to me and over time, with support and guidance, he started to challenge his reasons for doing what he had created for his life. 

Bob Proctor calls these “Paradigms”, a set of beliefs and habits that we all have consciously or subconsciously. 

These paradigms are internalized as fact. 

Here are Bob Proctor’s top 19 most common self-limiting beliefs that can block or limit your success.

  • I’m too old or too young
  • I’ll believe it when I see it
  • I don’t have the money or resources
  • I can’t …
  • I don’t have enough time
  • I’ll never break through my income ceiling
  • Change is too hard
  • Not trying is better than failing
  • I’ll never be successful
  • I don’t deserve nice things

  • There’s no point in dreaming big
  • I’ll always be broke
  • I don’t have the right education
  • I’m not important
  • I’m not ready
  • I’m not strong enough
  • Everything is fine as it is
  • I wasn’t born into the right kind of family
  • I don’t deserve to be happy

If you resonate with any of these self-limiting beliefs, then we need to have a conversation. Don’t put it off any longer. 

Like Henry, it wasn’t easy to ask for help and step out of his comfort zone and do something different, but he did. We started looking at the way his thinking was forming his perception of his circumstances. Little by little he started to see that his self-limiting beliefs were holding him back from his own success. 

Henry started to get stronger in the way he saw things and started to venture out into the world. He started to build a community of like-minded people around him and today he has opportunities to come together with this community. He has people that he connects with and supports him, and he is in a much better place today. 

If you identify with Henry’s story or you recognise any of the self-limiting belief statements then reach out as you do not want to be stuck with these paradigms for the next 5, 10, 20, 25 years later. 

You too have the opportunity NOW to explore what is holding you back and let me support you. 

Take the first step and contact me for a FREE 15-minute consultation to discuss where you are and where you would like to be.

 Let It Begin With You!

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