About Us

Turning Point 4 U aims to be a catalyst for change for transformational
expansion for recognising the power within ourselves for personal growth.

"Our aim is to shift the paradigm for clients, so they can explore their subconscious mind and
transform preconceived self-limiting beliefs. By giving people the tools to think differently, they will
have the opportunity to be the best version of themselves."

Tracey Walker Shares…

Life Lessons, Skills & Knowledge

Tracey Walker Shares…

Life Lessons, Skills & Knowledge

Tracey's self-discovery of a better life, than the one she was born into, enables her to empathise with people who are not happy or satisfied with their own situations.

She has channelled her experiences into acquiring new skills as a Life Mastery Consultant and EFT Practitioner.

Now, Tracey shares her life lessons and knowledge to help others overcome adversity, view things differently, and be their best selves.

She relishes the gift to be a catalyst for change. Armed with proven scientific methods, and practical tools, Tracey can influence others to aspire to greatness.


Tracey Walker

Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner

Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

Tracey's Why

I receive as much joy, and satisfaction out of my client's success as they do. Through my work, I know I can make a huge difference in someone's life, and it's this passion that drives me to further develop my skills and continuously challenge myself to give more to others.

My life hasn't been easy. I've known violence and grief. I've struggled with my own demons. So, I know where you are coming from. But I've come through the other side, and now I help others overcome their self-doubts.

Tracey's Story

"My journey started before I was even born."

I was raised in a violent alcoholic environment. This led me to follow the same path as my parents. As a young person, I didn't make friends very easily. I felt isolated and different. I kept my friends at a distance because I was ashamed of my parents fighting and arguing. At primary school, I lacked confidence, so I didn't try. High school was harder, socially and emotionally. Surrounded by violence, this became my norm. And I sought out unhealthy relationships that mirrored what I knew. I was looking for Prince Charming and my happily ever after; instead, I found more of the same violence, and this time, I was the adult, and soon a parent.


Life had a few more twists installed. After a few years of marriage, my husband had a motorbike accident resulting in brain and spinal injuries and hospitalised for three months before he died. Now 21 years old, a widow with a two-year-old toddler, and pregnant with our second child. Life was tough and was about to get tougher.

After my second child, I fell into a violent alcoholic relationship and had my third child. My children were exposed to this violence constantly. My own mother who had suffered violence, suggested I attend a 12-step program for the relatives and friends of alcoholics. This is when my transformation began, and I started to understand what I had been born into.

The Path Forward


The Path Forward

My new awareness of my behaviours and actions, led me to understand, why I needed to think differently to achieve better outcomes for my children and me. As time passed, my self-esteem grew, and I came to respect myself more.

Overtime, I ended my unhealthy relationship, but I was still compelled to return to this environment. You may wonder why? Sadly, my past life experiences and events were strongly imprinted, making it extremely difficult to move forward. As I learnt more, I became a stronger person and saw new opportunities. I completed my high school education as a mature aged student.

Helping My Son

Through my own journey, I found new ways to help my son who suffered from ADHD. Angry, and facing uncontrollable outbursts, I was concerned for his safety as well as others.

Determined to help him succeed in his education and life, I researched ADHD and trialled many techniques and strategies with my son, and the school. I am grateful to have been open to doing things differently and avoid repeating history. I was determined to give my children the best chance at life and provide them with a good education.

The school came on board to support these strategies, so we worked as a team to help my son to also learn to do things in a different way. The results were wonderful. Even his psychiatrist didn't understand how I was achieving these outcomes. But he was impressed enough to invite me to speak with the parents of his patients.

"I didn't know, what I know now."

Helping My Son


Education & Professional Development


Education & Professional Development

I grew as a person, confident and bursting with knowledge and hope. I graduated High school, and completed a Bachelor of Education, as a single mum raising three children, one with a disability.

Over the next ten years, I explored who I was, and what I wanted for myself and my children. It was like relearning everything I had ever known. It wasn't easy. So, I understand why people drift back to what they know, and what is comfortable.

"For me it was so important that my children
didn't have to live through what I did. I wanted
something better."

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Over time, I reviewed my values and what I wanted. As I evolved and changed, I attracted better outcomes for myself and my children.

I met the most loving and supportive man but still I felt undeserving. Fortunately, I had friends who encouraged me to believe in myself and my new relationship. Life was good and we were married in September 2000.

I had been working as a contract teacher for a while. I loved my job and was inspired to see students succeed, especially children who had a hard start like I did. The ones who fell through the cracks, lacked confidence, and had no support.


Turning Point


Turning Point

My world was flipped on its head when my beloved husband died only a few short months after we were married in December 2000.

It would be easy to be bitter and swamped by grief. For a time, I truly felt like giving up. Every time I started to climb out of this hole I was born into I would be knocked back down. Yet something inside me moved me onwards.

"Putting one foot in front of the other, I persisted to search for something more."

I began relief teaching to work with a variety of students from different backgrounds and schools. Not satisfied to be a "babysitter", I wanted to pass on skills and techniques to students who saw themselves as failures, think differently, and succeed.

With 20 years of teaching experience behind me, I wrote a book called "Just A Relief Teacher" to create awareness of the negative attitudes of some staff and students. My aim was to help staff to understand that relief teachers are assets who can assist them to move forward with their programs. Sadly, in some cases some staff and students didn't see it that way.


Coaching & Marriage Celebrant

While relief teaching, I became a Marriage Celebrant and a DreamBuilder Coach. I stepped into being a Marriage Celebrant because of the love my late husband and I shared. Our union was the best thing I had ever experienced. To know what true love was and to bring two people together on that special day is such an amazing honour.

I left teaching due to an incident that resulted in bullying and intimidation. This was another turning point for me.

Coaching & Marriage Celebrant


In 2019, I began Turning Point 4 U and started my new life as a Health and Wellness Coach. Over time I found some clients struggled to move forward. I upskilled and added EFT/Matrix Reimprinting to my credentials. Bringing these two modalities together had broken down barriers for my clients. Now they can recognise what has been holding them back and work towards developing their greatness.

Tracey Walker's Credentials

1999 Bachelor of Education
2014 Marriage Celebrant 2019
DreamBuilder Coach
2020 Life Mastery Consultant
2021 Advanced EFT Practitioner
2021 Advanced Life Coach
2021 Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner


2023 Distinguished Toastmaster

Women Economic Forum Exceptional Women of Excellence Award 2023
Awarded Toastmasters of the Year 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. (Caboolture Toastmasters)
Winner Evaluation Speech Contest 2018 - Area 3, Moreton Division, District 69
Area 3 Director - 2018 - 2019
Area Director 2019 - 2020

Tracey's Accreditations

IICT Member (1)
lmi_logo (1)

Contact Tracey

I would love to learn about how I can assist in creating a Turning Point 4 U. Please get in touch by calling me on 0426 648 066, emailing at  hello@turningpoint4U.com.au.  Or if you prefer to contact online please feel free to fill out and submit the form below.

I look forward to connecting with you <3

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