

That PANIC that rises in you! What causes it? It makes our heart race a hundred miles an hour. Feels like you are paralysed in your tracks. Any common sense goes out the window, you can’t think straight. It totally consumes you. How many times have you reacted to a situation due to a phobia?…

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Bullying & Intimidation

Mental Health is so very prevalent at this time with COVID and all the lockdowns. As an employer, have you considered and reviewed your mental health and wellbeing policy and procedures for your employees. These are written and tucked away because these are a legal requirements. The question is, is it truly workable for your…

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Henry’s Story

Let me share a story about Henry. Henry had become so used to being on his own, not interacting with people. It became comfortable!…

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Grace’s Why!

My why has been about serving others. I felt I “should do” the honourable thing and serve…

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