
The Cards I Was Dealt That TRANSFORMED My Life



What a wild ride my life has been.

When I say ‘wild’, I don’t necessarily mean it in the crazy and exciting sense but more in the sense it has been storm-like in its unpredictability. My life has not been smooth sailing. In fact, when I look back on everything I’ve been through, it is almost like watching a series of lives, loosely connected like slightly disjointed chapters in a novel.

3 reviews for The Cards I Was Dealt That TRANSFORMED My Life

  1. Glenda M

    The book is excellent. Well done and thank you for sharing your story. You have been dealt a set of cards with lots of twists, turns, sadness and above all, achievement and a positive approach to whatever you take on.
    You have challenged yourself to go beyond the things that have been thrown at you when most of us would have buckled.
    Now you can focus on YOU. Enjoy the journey of what adventures lie ahead and what lives can be affected by your example.

  2. Netty Meaney

    Wow, what an inspirational read!! Living Tracey’s life through her words especially the comeback she fought to be the incredible person she is today not only gave me belief that anything is possible if you want it to happen, but to pick yourself up and learn to love yourself to take control of the life you want for YOU. Facing challenges, learning from your mistakes and living a better life is within our control but taking the first step is always the hardest. After reading this amazing story of survival and self-love has empowered me to rise up and take control of what I want for my life, and I love it. Thank you so much Tracey for sharing your story.

  3. Helen (verified owner)

    Thank you for sharing your life story in “The Cards I was Dealt.”
    It was a very thought-provoking book which has inspired me to continue on my own journey. I loved the quotes throughout.

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