Are you tired of feeling like ADHD is controlling your life?

Empower students with ADHD through tailored techniques and strategies to equip them with the skills needed to succeed academically, socially, and personally.

Are you tired of trying the same old methods that just don't seem to be working?


Are you ready to break free from the cycle of frustration and disappointment? If so, it may be time to consider trying something different.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our current systems and approaches simply aren't effective. It can be frustrating and disheartening when we feel like we're constantly hitting a wall. But imagine what it would be like to work with someone who has been in your shoes - someone who understands the challenges you're facing because they've experienced them first hand.

Working with someone who has walked in your shoes can bring a fresh perspective and valuable insights. They have likely encountered similar obstacles and found innovative solutions that could help propel you forward. Their empathy and understanding can create a supportive environment where you feel heard, understood, and motivated to make meaningful changes.


Work with someone who has walked the walk.


Work with someone who has walked the walk.

Open yourself up to the possibility of working with someone who truly understands your struggles and is committed to helping you overcome them. Together, you can chart a new path towards success and achieve the results you've been longing for.

Tracey has a passion to support others to succeed.

Empowering Clients

When working with ADHD clients, it is crucial to follow a structured process for success. This process I used with my son and has worked for many others.

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Listen, don't assume you know what is going on for them

One of the first steps in this process is actively listening and hearing what has been going on in their individual circumstances. It is important not to assume anything about their situation, as each person may have unique challenges and needs.


Explore strategies that work for them

Once an understanding of their circumstances has been established, the next step is to discuss options moving forward. This involves exploring different strategies and techniques that can support them in managing their ADHD symptoms effectively. One such technique that can be beneficial is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

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EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT, also known as Tapping, is an alternative approach calming the nervous system. If involves gently tapping on specific acupuncture points on the body while focusing on the issue at hand. EFT has been found to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.


Support Plan

Having a support plan is an essential aspect of any strategy, as it allows clients to find what works best for them and implement it into their daily routines. It is important to recognize that simply telling people to do something they are not willing or able to do will be ineffective in achieving the desired results.

Don't wait another day - let's talk now!

If you're ready to take control of the situation and make a positive difference in your child's life, keep reading. The answers you've been searching for are right here. Let's embark on this journey together!


Client Testimonial

"My son has ADHD and started High School this year and he was really struggling, none of his previous coping strategies were working. He was being bullied and ended up being suspended multiple times in the first Term due to retaliation & pure frustration. We were at breaking point; he was ready to give up and had decided he HATED High School and no longer wanted to go.

That was until he started working with Tracey.

She has helped my son be able to attend High School without being suspended once this Term. The Bullies have decided to leave him alone as he is now able to control his reactions a little better.

She has put the Power back in his hands, and we cannot thank her enough. Not only did she work with him one on one with EFT & Matrix but she also attended meetings at the School to ensure that the School understood what he needed to succeed in his new schooling environment.

Thank you Tracey for helping my Son and myself."



About Tracey

Through her own lived experiences, Tracey has developed a deep understanding of the challenges faced by children with ADHD. As a parent who tirelessly searched for answers and solutions for her own son's ADHD, Tracey has created a wealth of tried and tested techniques.

Tracey's journey in finding effective strategies for managing ADHD has not only brought a positive outcome for her son but also inspired her to share her knowledge with others. Her expertise stems from years of research, trial and error, and a genuine passion to help other parents navigate the complexities of ADHD.

By drawing on her personal experiences, Tracey brings a unique perspective that resonates with families facing similar challenges. Her techniques are not just theoretical concepts but practical solutions that have been refined through real-life application.

With empathy and compassion, Tracey aims to empower parents and caregivers with the tools they need to support their children with ADHD. Through sharing her insights and strategies, she offers hope and guidance to those seeking answers in their own journey.

About Tracey


Tracey Walker

Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner

Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner



It offers a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional methods of addressing the challenges associated with ADHD. By combining their expertise in life coaching and EFT, they provide valuable support for the emotional well-being of these children.

Get In Touch

Give yourself a break and work with someone who has been there. Unlock your child's full potential today by doing things in a different way.

Take the first step and book a time to discuss how Tracey can support you.

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